Membership Process

  1. Completion and submission of application and go through the process which includes notice to present membership and approval by both the Membership Committee and Board of Directors. Please note that three letters of recommendation are needed, two of whom must be present members of the Club.

  2. Receive an invitation to membership to the Club.

  3. Acquire shares of stock from existing/resigning members. This is negotiated directly with resigning member. Payment is made to members through the Club.

  4. Reimbursement to resigning member of any prepaid, un-amortized dues. This is paid to the resigning member through the Club. (See below for Dues structure)

  5. Payment of Transfer fee to the Club. The Transfer fee is 10% of the sales price of a share of stock, but not less than $2,500. This is paid directly to the Club.

Dues Structure

The annual dues are determined by the Board. Currently, the annual dues are $2,600, payable in either of two alternatives:

  1. $2,700.00 in January - a $100 discount is given with this alternative.

  2. In calendar quarterly installments of $700.00